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I just found out that my progress in the game Filament is lost. I thought Epic Games has cloud save for it, but after some digging, I found out the source of all the tragedy. The synced dir is %LOCALAPPDATA%\Filament\Saved\SavedGames while the actual place for save files is %LOCALAPPDATA%\Filament\Saved\SaveGames. No kidding. Just like that. Lost.
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Hyperellipsoids in barycentric coordinates
In this article, I introduce the barycentric coordinates: it is an elegant way to represent geometric shapes related to a simplex. By using it, given a simplex, we can construct a hyperellipsoid with the properties: its surface passes every vertex of the simplex, and its tangent hyperplane at each vertex is parallel to the hyperplane containing all other vertices.
- Categories: math
- Tags: linear algebra, long paper
Use complex numbers as canonical variables
In this article, I try exploring an idea: using complex numbers to combine pairs of canonical variables into complex variables: . It turns out that we can write canonical equations , Poisson brackets , and canonical transformations in these complex numbers. Finally, I show two examples of using them in real problems: a free particle, and a harmonic oscillator.
- Categories: physics
- Tags: classical mechanics, canonical transformation, hamiltonian, complex, long paper
Giving birth to my own blog
This is my first blog! I will share interesting things in my life here.
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