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Jan 17, 2025, 14:49:18

Thanks a lot to plain text format, I can recover most of my important files from a broken disk by searching for certain strings in the files directly within the binary image of the disk.

#plaintext #datarecovery #disk

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  • Use complex numbers as canonical variables

    In this article, I try exploring an idea: using complex numbers to combine pairs of canonical variables into complex variables: cαq+iβp\mathbf c\coloneqq\alpha\mathbf q+\mathrm i\beta\mathbf p. It turns out that we can write canonical equations dcdt=2iαβHc\frac{\mathrm d\mathbf c}{\mathrm dt}=-2\mathrm i\alpha\beta\frac{\partial\mathcal H}{\partial\mathbf c^*}, Poisson brackets {f,g}=2iαβ(fcgcfcgc)\left\{f,g\right\}=-2\mathrm i\alpha\beta \left(\frac{\partial f}{\partial\mathbf c}\cdot \frac{\partial g}{\partial\mathbf c^*}- \frac{\partial f}{\partial\mathbf c^*}\cdot \frac{\partial g}{\partial\mathbf c}\right), and canonical transformations cc=cc,cc=cc\frac{\partial\mathbf c^*}{\partial\mathbf c'^*}= \frac{\partial\mathbf c'}{\partial\mathbf c}, \frac{\partial\mathbf c}{\partial\mathbf c'^*}= -\frac{\partial\mathbf c'}{\partial\mathbf c^*} in these complex numbers. Finally, I show two examples of using them in real problems: a free particle, and a harmonic oscillator.

  • Giving birth to my own blog

    This is my first blog! I will share interesting things in my life here.

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