We try solving the even function solutions to the time-independent Schrödinger equation for the potential V=−α∑j=−nnδ(x−ja) such that E<0 (bound states).
This article is translated from a Chinese article on my Zhihu account. The original article was posted at 2021-01-13 15:33 +0800.
We try solving the even function solutions to the time-independent Schrödinger equation for the potential V=−αj=−n∑nδ(x−ja) such that E<0 (bound states).
Obviously, the solutions have the form ψ={A⌊a∣x∣⌋eκ∣x∣+B⌊a∣x∣⌋e−κ∣x∣,Aneκ∣x∣+Bne−κ∣x∣,∣x∣<na,∣x∣>na,
where Aj,Bj (j=0,1,…,n) are constants of integration, and κ:=ℏ−2mE.
Noting that we are finding bound states, we should have limx→∞ψ=0. Therefore, An=0.(1) Function ψ is naturally continuous at x=0. Considering the continuity of ψ at ∣x∣=ja (j=1,2,…,n), we have Aj−1eκja+Bj−1e−κja=Ajeκja+Bje−κja.(2)
For j=−n,…,n, integrate both sides of the time-independent Schrödinger equation over interval [ja−ε,ja+ε] and let ε→0, and we have dxdψja−ja+=−βψ∣ja, where β:=ℏ22mα.
For j=0, the formula above gives (A0κ−B0κ)−(−A0κ+B0κ)=−β(A0+B0).(3)
For j=1,2,…,n, on the other hand, (Ajκeκja−Bjκe−κja)−(Aj−1κeκja−Bj−1κe−κja)=−β(Ajeκja+Bje−κja).(4)
Equations 1, 2, 3, and 4 together form a homogeneous linear equation w.r.t. Aj,Bj (j=0,1,…,n). To require that the equation has non-zero solutions, the determinant of the coefficient matrix should be zero, and we can find κ by this property. However, the equation is transcendental for n>0.
If we found the value of κ, the solution space for the homogeneous linear equation should be one-dimensional, and then we can determine all the constants by normalizing ψ.