class Alda::Chord

A chord event. Includes Alda::EventList.

An Alda::EventContainer containing an Alda::Chord can be created using event list sugar. See Alda::EventList#method_missing. do
  p x{ c; e; g }.event.class # => Alda::Chord

The event contained by an Alda::EventContainer can become an Alda::Chord by using Alda::EventContainer#/.

Public Class Methods

new(*events, &block) → Alda::Chord click to toggle source

There is an event list sugar invoking this method. See Alda::EventList#method_missing.

In most cases, events should be empty. Note that events cannot be specified using the sugar. block is to be passed with the chord object as self. { piano_; x { c; -e; g } }.play
# (plays chord Cm)
Calls superclass method Alda::EventList::new
# File lib/alda-rb/event.rb, line 762
def initialize *events, &block
  events.each { _1.parent = self if _1.is_a? Alda::Event }
  @events = events
  super &block

Public Instance Methods

to_alda_code() → String click to toggle source

Overrides Alda::Event#to_alda_code.

Behaves differently for Alda 1 and Alda 2: because Alda 2 does not allow octave changes as part of a chord (something like a/>/c, and we have to write a>/c or a/>c instead) (alda-lang/alda#383), the code generated by this method will omit the slash before an octave change.

Alda.generation = :v1 { a/o!/c; a/o5/c }.to_s # => "a/>/c a/o5/c"
Alda.generation = :v2 { a/o!/c; a/o5/c }.to_s # => "a>/c a o5/c"
# File lib/alda-rb/event.rb, line 784
def to_alda_code
  return events_alda_codes ?/ if Alda.v1?
  @events.each_with_index.with_object '' do |(event, i), result|
    if i == 0
      # concat nothing
    elsif event.is_event_of? Alda::Octave
      result.concat ' ' unless event.num.empty?
      result.concat '/'
    result.concat event.to_alda_code