module Alda

The module serving as a namespace.



The Hash of available commands. The symbols of commands are keys and each value is an Array of generations where the command is available.


The available subcommands of alda executable. This is a Hash, with keys being possible values of ::generation, and values being an Array of symbols of the available commands of that generation.

Alda is able to invoke alda at the command line. The subcommand is the name of the method invoked upon Alda.

The keyword arguments are interpreted as the subcommand options. To specify the command options, use ::[].

The return value is the string output by the command in STDOUT.

If the exit code is nonzero, an Alda::CommandLineError is raised.

# => "Client version: 1.4.0\nServer version: [27713] 1.4.0\n"
Alda.parse code: 'bassoon: o3 c'
# => "{\"chord-mode\":false,\"current-instruments\":...}\n"

The available commands are:

  • If ::generation is :v1: help, update, repl, up, start_server, init, down, stop_server, downup, restart_server, list, status, version, play, stop, parse, instruments, and export.

  • If ::generation is :v2: doctor, export, help, import, instruments, parse, play, ps, repl, shutdown, stop, telemetry, update, and version.

Trying to run a command that is not support by the current generation set by ::generation will raise an Alda::GenerationError.


The Array of possible values of ::generation. It is just the array [:v1, :v2]

You can use :v1? and :v2? to get whether the current generation is :v1 or :v2. For example, Alda.v1? is the same as Alda.generation == :v1. You can also use :v1! and :v2! to set the generation to :v1 or :v2. For example, Alda.v1! is the same as Alda.generation = :v1.


The version number of alda-rb.

The same as that in alda-rb gem spec.



The path to the alda executable.

The default value is "alda", which will depend on your PATH.


The major version of the alda command used. Possible values: :v1 or :v2 (i.e. one of the values in Alda::GENERATIONS). If you try to specify it to values other than those, an ArgumentError will be raised. This affects several things due to some incompatible changes from Alda 1 to Alda 2. You may use ::deduce_generation to automatically set it, or use v1! or v2! to set it in a shorter way.


The commandline options set using ::[]. Not the subcommand options. Clear it using ::clear_options.

Public Class Methods

Alda[**opts] → self click to toggle source

Sets the options of alda command. Not the subcommand options.

# This example only works for Alda 1.
Alda[port: 1108].up # => "[1108] ..."
Alda.status # => "[1108] ..."

Further set options will be merged. The options can be seen by ::options. To clear them, use ::clear_options.

# File lib/alda-rb/commandline.rb, line 141
def [] **opts
  @options.merge! opts
clear_options() → nil click to toggle source

Clears the command line options. Makes ::options an empty Array.

# File lib/alda-rb/commandline.rb, line 152
def clear_options
deduce_generation → one of Alda::GENERATIONS click to toggle source

Deduce the generation of Alda being used by running alda version in command line, and then set ::generation accordingly.

# File lib/alda-rb/commandline.rb, line 275
def deduce_generation
  /(?<major>\d+)\.(?<minor>\d+)\.(?<patch>\d+)/ =~ Alda.version
  @generation = major == '1' ? :v1 : :v2
down? → true or false click to toggle source

Whether the alda server is down. Checks whether there are no play processes in ::processes in Alda 2.

# File lib/alda-rb/commandline.rb, line 265
def down?
  Alda.v1? ? Alda.status.include?('down') : Alda.processes.none? { _1[:type] == :player }
env() → Hash click to toggle source
env(hash) → Hash
env(hash) { ... } → Object

When called with no arguments, returns the commandline environment variables (a Hash) used when running alda on command line. It is {"ALDA_DISABLE_SPAWNING"=>"yes","ALDA_DISABLE_TELEMETRY"=>"yes"} by default (for speeding up the command line responses: alda-lang/alda#368).

When called with an argument hash, merge the old environment variables with hash and set the merged Hash as the new environment variables. Returns the new environment variables (a Hash).

When called with an argument hash and a block, execute the block with the environment being set to the merge of the old environment and hash, and then restore the old environment. Returns the returned value of the block.

# File lib/alda-rb/commandline.rb, line 187
def env hash = nil, &block
  if hash
    @env = (old_env = @env).merge { |k, v| [k.to_s, v.to_s] }.to_h
    block ? block.().tap { @env = old_env } : @env
pipe(command, *args, **opts) → IO click to toggle source
pipe(command, *args, **opts) { |io| ... } → Object

Runs alda in command line as a child process and returns the pipe IO or pass the IO to the block. See COMMANDS_FOR_VERSIONS for an explanation of args and opts.

# File lib/alda-rb/commandline.rb, line 204
def pipe command, *args, **opts, &block
  add_option = ->((key, val)) do
    next unless val
    args.push "--#{Alda::Utils.snake_to_slug key}"
    args.push val.to_s unless val == true
  # executable
  args.unshift Alda.executable! &:to_s
  # options
  Alda.options.each &add_option
  # subcommand
  args.push command.to_s
  # subcommand options
  opts.each &add_option
  # subprocess
  spawn_options = Alda::Utils.win_platform? ? { new_pgroup: true } : { pgroup: true }
  IO.popen Alda.env, args, **spawn_options, &block
processes() → Array click to toggle source

Returns a Array of details about running Alda processes. Only available for Alda 2. Each element in the Array is a Hash, and each Hash has the following keys:

  • :id: the player-id of the process, a three-letter String.

  • :port: the port number of the process, an Integer.

  • :state: the state of the process, a Symbol (may be nil, :ready, :active, or :starting).

  • :expiry: a human-readable description of expiry time of the process, a String (may be nil).

  • :type: the type of the process, a Symbol (may be :player or :repl_server).

# File lib/alda-rb/commandline.rb, line 237
def processes
  raise [:v2] if v1? true)[1..].map do |line|
    id, port, state, expiry, type = line.split ?\t
    port = port.to_i
    state = state == ?- ? nil : state.to_sym
    expiry = nil if expiry == ?-
    type = Alda::Utils.slug_to_snake type
    { id: id, port: port, state: state, expiry: expiry, type: type }
up?() → true or false click to toggle source

Whether the alda server is up. Checks whether there are any play processes in ::processes in Alda 2.

# File lib/alda-rb/commandline.rb, line 255
def up?
  Alda.v1? ? Alda.status.include?('up') : Alda.processes.any? { _1[:type] == :player }